Business Development Strategies: Are You Frustrated With the Existing One?


Your Business Development : Want to Have Better?

Are you having a hard time breaking through to the next level?


Feeling overwhelmed and unsure what to do to get your business past where it is now?


I’m a business coach to growing companies, so when people call me it’s usually for a handful of reasons.


The most common being that their business has slowed down or stalled to the point of massive frustration!


I do this because I’ve been called to it.


My purpose is to help entrepreneurs and find freedom.


I know that when a business has slowed down, are flat, or growth has stalled, it’s usually the result of issues with their strategy, people, execution or cash.


Here are some of the most common reasons stalls.


Do they sound familiar to you?


  1. You, your team, or your leader(s) have no specific vision for the future.

  2. The economy stalled, and you never recovered because your “me-too” strategy made you irrelevant.

  3. People view your product or service as a commodity. They chase lower prices because you provide no discernible advantage.

  4. You have no consistent, sustainable marketing tactics that deliver more than enough qualified prospects.

  5. You have too many ‘B’ and ‘C’ players in your company and are having trouble attracting strong talent to your company.

  6. Your founder and/or leader(s) have outgrown their abilities.

  7. You need new skills and tools to help you guide the business to a better place.

  8. Members of your team or family are fighting or experiencing drama, tension, or issues at your workplace.

  9. Your company’s goals, vision or values are not visible throughout the organization.

  10. Your individual goals are not measured or managed. Neither are those of individual team players.

  11. You have inefficiencies in your operations and lack solid systems and procedures.

  12. You are not making the profits you expected or as you have in the past.

  13. Your cash and financial controls are weak (or missing) so you find yourself scrambling to meet payment obligations and/or struggling to find funds to invest in the growth of the business.


You are not alone if you are struggling with any of these.


The good news is that I have solutions to each of the issues above.


It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, what size your business is or how long you have been treading in these waters.


These issues, in time, can be addressed.


But it starts first with re-engineering your beliefs.


You cannot approach any of these problems as you have before without a fresh perspective and a new .


who see they have not been able to fix these problems in their business must show some humility and seek outside counsel and support.


Make this shift, and change is possible.


If you find yourself lacking the vision, you need to ask BIG questions to find it.


If you have a vision but your people are not getting enough of the right things done —you need to find a coach who has a suite of growth tools to help you get growing again.



Everyone of these issues is fixable. I know because I’ve fixed every one of them.